The general objective of the project CalMarSi LIFE is the conservation of Calendula maritima Guss, a rare endemic and endangered species of western Sicily, exclusively distributed along the coast between Marsala and Mt. Cofano, in the province of Trapani.
The global objectives of preservation of the species will be achieved through concrete actions whose specific goals are the elimination or mitigation of the main factors that threaten its survival, namely:
- Contraction and fragmentation of the distribution area and habitat degradation
- Genetic pollution by the congeneric species Calendula fulgida Raf
- Seasonal disturbances connected with seaside tourism
- Competition with invasive alien species (IAS)
The project CalMarSi LIFE includes, in addition to concrete safeguard actions, the issuing of legal protection laws and information and awareness actions.
There are 29 actions in total, divided into 5 different types:
- Preparatory (5),
- Concrete conservation (7),
- Monitoring the impact of the project actions (4),
- Awareness raising and dissemination of results (10),
- Project management (3).
For a detailed description of the actions click here
The project has a duration of 48 months (01/11/2016 – 31/10/2020) and has a total budget of € 1,020,982, of which € 602,182 (58.98%) as a contribution of the European Commission. The partnership is composed by the National Research Council – Institute of Biosciences and BioResources (IBBR) as Coordinator Beneficiary, and the Regional Department of Environment of the Sicilian Region (DRA) as Associate Beneficiary.
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