F1 Coordination and methods of the project management

The monitoring of the implementation of the project will be carried out by the CNR staff that already has experience in the implementation of Life projects and consists of: a researcher (Technical Manager), an administrative employee (administrative-financial manager), both with permanent position, and an external professional (Project Manager – PM) with experience in managing Life projects. The need for an external PM, to be dedicated part-time to the project, is required because of the lack of personnel in the Coordinating Beneficiary (CB) staff with specific skills in managing community projects. The PM, under the direct and permanent control of the Responsible Beneficiary, will have the following tasks:

– coordination of working groups (timeplan meetings, drafting of agenda, drafting of reports)

– monitoring of the coherence of the activities with the application form with respect to the timetable, outputs/deliverables, expected results (processing monitoring grids/check list)

– drawing up of all technical-financial reports, based on the technical inputs of the working groups

– coordination of meetings and relationships with the EC (relations with the DG Life monitor)

– promoting the uniformity of monitoring/management processes even after the end of the project. The tasks and constraints of each partner will be described in the partnership agreement to be signed by all partners immediately after the signing of the Grant Agreement with the Environment DG of the European Community. More specifically, each of the partners will have the following tasks:

  • organize, manage and monitor the actions under its responsibility, guaranteeing their implementation in the established way and time
  • cooperate with the other partners for the implementation of joint actions
  • participate to the meetings, events and visits foreseen by the project
  • prepare and provide the technical-scientific and financial documentation necessary for the activity of a permanent network
  • relating to the Project Manager by providing the necessary contributions to communications and the preparation of reports to be sent to the EC
  • actively collaborate with the other beneficiaries both for the rational and correct implementation of the common actions and for sharing the decisions to be deliberated in the steering committee, in relation to any problems that may arise during the implementation of the project
  • provide periodic reports on the technical and financial progress of the actions under its responsibility, as well as all the administrative and accounting records necessary for their reporting, in accordance with the procedures previously established in the “management plan”.

Within the first quarter from the start of the project the CB will constitute a Steering Committee (SC) aimed at the correct implementation of the project actions in compliance with the scheduled timing. The SC will be composed of a technical manager and an administrative-financial manager who will collaborate for a rational implementation of the project.

The project management will include eight meetings of the SC on semi-annual basis, four of which will take place in conjunction with the four network meetings (action D6) in order to optimize the time and costs of the actions. During the SCs the results achieved with the project actions will be verified, the appropriate decisions will be shared and deliberated in relation to any problems that may arise during the implementation of the project, and all the necessary documents will be collected, both of technical and financial nature, for the due communications to the EC. For each meeting, in addition to the list of participants, a report of the decisions taken will be drawn up. To guarantee the participation of all the members of the SC, if necessary, the meetings can also be held by videoconference. Moreover, for the continuous accessibility to the data concerning the technical and financial progresses of the project, a permanent network activity will be organized and coordinated by the DRA. The project website will be equipped with an FTP area for sharing and exchanging documents related to the development of the project. It will be constantly updated and monitored and will act as the main instrument for coordination and communication within the partnership, also contributing to reduce the ecological footprint of the project.

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