E6 Networking for sharing the conservation actions
The project partners promote and implement the dissemination of the methods developed within the project. The prevalent mean of dissemination is represented by a scientific Network that involves all public administrations, research institutes, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders (e.g. concessionaires of bathing establishments). It is intended as a pilot system of coordination and technical-institutional synergy. The workshops and meetings will be addressed to both a specific networking target group, including the main actors involved in environmental issues (e.g. university departments, research centres specialized in the local forest and environmental sector, local authorities and provincial and regional public administrations involved in managing CSIs, technical agricultural institutes of the intervention areas, environmental associations) and to national institutions (Ministry of the Environment –Department of Nature Protection). This action is needed because of the awareness of the proponents that there is a lack of knowledge about the conservation problems concerning the target species. The Network has been conceived in the form of a permanent coordination table for the actors involved in the management of the species or territories in which the target species is present. The Network can be a pilot model of institutional coordination that can become a point of reference for the development of initiatives at national level. The Network meetings will be held periodically in the administrative seats of the partners and will coordinate the codification of the analyses, of the prevention and the management measures resulting from the innovative experiences envisaged by the project or already previously elaborated in other pilot models. At the meetings will be invited experts of national and international reputation that will keep updated the participants on the state of the art and innovations in the field of the project. Four seminars are planned, one for each year of the project, and a final workshop within which the follow-up of the post-project Network activities will be discussed. One of the meetings is scheduled at the headquarter of the Nature Reserve “Saline di Trapani e Paceco”, that has a strategic role for the dissemination and sharing of the results of actions concerning the Nature Reserve area.
On the occasion of the events, four of the Steering Committee meetings planned in the action F.1 will be held. The action is of considerable importance for the added value it provides in the dissemination of “concrete actions “for the conservation of Critically Endangered species (CR) as defined by the IUCN. During the meetings, guided tours will be organized, since essential for the on-site verification of the actual results achieved for the conservation of C. maritima during the implementation of the project.
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