E4 Dissemination materials of the project

Leaflet. They will be realized on recycled paper, with EuPia print in A4 format, containing information on the themes and contents of the project. In addition to the textual content, they will display images, photos, contact details, as well as the website address dedicated to the project as a reference for further consultation and information on the project, the themes of the Life financial instrument and the Natura 2000 network. N°2000 leaflets will be produced within the second trimester of the second year.

Notice board. Design and implementation of 2 notice boards containing a summary of the project, to be placed at the Beneficiaries’ seats. They will be produced within the last quarter of the first year.

Notice boards and panels. Design and implementation of information panels on the project actions, to be positioned in the intervention areas (n°2 notice boards in the current sites + n°2 notice boards in the introduction sites + n°1 notice board in the CCG of Marianelli, Tot. N°5 notice boards), necessary to protect the species, to disseminate its peculiarities and its fragility. In addition to the project, they will illustrate the Life financial instrument and the importance of protecting biodiversity and the behavior to be adopted to protect the species. The panels will be applied in wooden notice boards from FSC forests. They will be installed within the first quarter of the third year of the project.

Scientific Pen Drives. They will contain a summary of the project, on an IT support, with description of the objectives, the results and the activities carried out during its duration, as well as a bibliographic collection (extracts of publications) existing on the target species. The pen drives will be customized with the project and the Life financial instrument logo and will be equipped with double partition: one will contain the project materials and one will be left empty to allow the use for personal purposes. They will be produced within the first quarter of the last year of the project. All the informative material will be produced in two languages: Italian and English.

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