E3 Creation and management of the project website

The dissemination at national and international level of the project and its results will be achieved through the creation of a website designed with specific areas dedicated to different issues. The site is intended as an informative window on the objectives of the project and the planned actions. It will be in Italian and English. The architecture of the site will be of “gateway” type, with sections for the dissemination and publication of news, as well as sections dedicated to interactivity with project partners, stakeholders and accredited users. Different areas are planned, with special regard to:

– the area of “project description”, including general purposes, specific objectives, means and tools used, actions to improve the protection of the species and the sites concerned; moreover, the reports of the different actions carried out and in progress will be shown;

– the “restricted FTP” area, that will serve as a database of the project progress (also including the financial aspects) and will be implemented by each individual beneficiary; this section will be accessible only to partners and will provide a continuous update of the state of the art of the Life project;

– the “interactive” area, which through an educational program will allow the younger audience to interact with a recreational-educational path that provides information on the species, the habitat, the Natura 2000 network and the Life tool, and the importance of biodiversity conservation.

– the project “news” area, which will promptly disseminate the progress of the project and other information.

The website will be supported by a periodic newsletter, every six months, to update the progress of the project and the actions it has developed. The reference target of the newsletter will be the institutional and non-institutional actors, interested in the issues of the project. The site will list and propose specific links to the institutional websites of the partners, the MATTM, the EU, the IUCN, the Life financial instrument and the Natura 2000 network, as well as other specialized and/or informative sites of interest.

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