In the framework of action C3 – ’Reintroduction of Calendula maritima according to the criteria of species traslocation’, the monitoring of plants planted at Salina Calcara was carried out. Six months after reintroduction, due to the long-lasting summer drought, most of the plants (90%) show slight to evident signs of water stress, about 33% bear flower buds, 17% are in bloom and 1% are fruiting/dispersing their seeds. Of the transplanted individuals, 26% did not survive. As highlighted in the other sites, during the time lapse between the monitoring of August and that of September there was an increase of 20% of plants concerned by water stress, but at the same time an increase (17%) of plants with flower buds was recorded, suggesting a fast vegetative recovery of the plants in response to the first rain events of late summer / early autumn.
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