A2 Physico-chemical characterization of soils in current populations and in reintroduction sites
In order to evaluate the characteristics of the most suitable habitats of the target species, a pedological analysis will be carried out to analyze the pedo-ecological conditions of the potential sites of reintroduction of the species. It is planned to investigate at least 25 modal soil profiles, representative of all the types of soils of the current range of C. maritima. The soils will be described in the field and sampled according to the FAO guidelines. Soil samples will be analyzed in the laboratory for the determination of the main physical, chemical, hydrological and biological features (particle size, pH, electrical conductivity, soluble anions and cations, gypsum, total metal content, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable bases, total and active carbonates, phosphorus, potassium, organic carbon, nitrogen, available water capacity, apparent density, microbial biomass, basal respiration, etc.). All the laboratory analyses will follow the international standard methods. The soils will be classified according to the WRB international system. The data on soils and their properties will be evaluated taking into account the data obtained from the vegetation surveys obtained within Action A1.
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