1 – Preparatory Actions

  • Updating of data on the demographic situation, the degree of conservation and the genetic integrity/diversity of the remnant populations
  • Assessment of the ecological amplitude of the target species with respect to the soil, also in order to identify the most suitable sites for concrete actions of reinforcement and reintroduction
  • Assigning the status of protected species by regional law and promoting the shared drafting of the guidelines for the Plans of Use of the State Sea Domain and Nature Reserves.

2 – Concrete Conservation Actions

  • In-vitro propagation in order to produce by non-invasive methods new plants of certified genetic identity for actions of reinforcement and reintroduction
  • Reinforcement of the most degraded populations
  • Establishment of new populations in more suitable and less disturbed conditions according to the principles of Species Translocation
  • Mitigation and/or elimination of the main local disturbance factors through physical barriers
  • Control of invasive alien species (e.g. Carpobrotus sp.) that compete with Sea marigold by occupying its habitats


3 – Monitoring Actions of the project impact on conservation

  • Regular verification at short and medium terms of the concrete actions effects on the conservation of the target species
  • Evaluation of socio-economic outcomes prompted by the regulatory activities of the coastal area use
  • Monitoring of the genetic stability of the propagation material before its re-introduction in the wild


4 – Actions of awareness and dissemination

  • Activities of dissemination about the project actions, with the involvement of schools of all levels in the hinterland, as well as of the resident populations

5 – Project Management Actions

  • Project coordination and management
  • Concrete involvement of local enterprises, public authorities (Province of Trapani, Municipalities of Favignana, Marsala, Paceco, Trapani and Valderice), and trade and cultural associations in order to make this project a case of Best Practice

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