In the framework of action C3 – ’Reintroduction of Calendula maritima according to the criteria of species translocation’, the monitoring of plants planted at Cala Pozzo in Favignana and at Salina Calcara was carried out. Eight months after transplanting, after the first autumn rains, most of the plants that survived the summer drought have resumed their vegetative activity and there are many individuals who have already completed a first flowering cycle producing the first seeds. In both sites, species translocation activities produced similar results with a survival rate that currently stands at around 65%, while as regards phenology, respectively, at Salina Calcara and Favignana, 52% and 43% of the plants bear flower buds, 54 % and 44% are in bloom and 47% and 44% are in fruit. It worth to be underlined that at Salina Calcara, the seeds produced during last season from transplanted Calendula individuals, started to germinate, so that during last visit devoted to field monitoring as much as 28 new seedlings were found.
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