Winter monitoring of new populations at Cala Pozzo and Salina Calcara

As part of action C3 -– “Establishment of new nuclei of maritime calendula according to the criteria for the translocation of species”, the monitoring of plants introduced at Cala Pozzo on the Island of Favignana and at Salina Calcara was carried out. One year after transplanting, most of the surviving plants appear healthy. In both sites, the translocation activities of the species produced similar results, with a survival rate of around 65%. The Salina Calcara plants are about 90% in bloom, 96% have new flower buds and 80% have already produced seeds, while in Favignana 44% of the plants have flower buds, 28% are in bloom and 2% are in fruit. It is interesting to underline that in both sites the seeds produced in the past season by the reintroduced plants began to germinate and that during the last field monitoring activity more than 30 new seedlings were surveyed.

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